Tips for Engineers

This is a (living) list of some thoughts I collected over the years about how to be a good software engineer.

Don't get blocked

This is one of the most important things you can do for your career, if you ever get blocked, learn how to unblock yourself or ask for help as fast as possible, one of worst thinkgs you can do is wait the next daily to ask what to do.

Don't leave TODOs

If you keep your TODOs only in the code, I'm pretty sure you will forget it before next week.

If it is simple to solve (4h or less), create a ticket and just do it. If it is not, create a ticket and put it in the backlog.

Small PRs are the key

You probably already heard this, nothing new under the sun.

Small PRs are easier to review, easier to test, easier to deploy and easier to revert.

If you are working on a big refactor or feature, create a "umbrella" branch for this change and then create many more small branches pointing to it. This way you can keep the code review simple by delivering small pieces of change in each branch.

I call it "umbrella" because it cover all small branches necessary for a big change